Worship = Worth-Ship

Key verse
Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. ISAIAH 25:1
If you’ve been around the church for a while, worship is a word you’ve probably heard often. When you think of worship, a song you enjoy likely pops up in your mind. While music is a wonderful tool for worshipping Jesus, true worship is so much more than a melody.
So what is worship? The word worship comes from an Old English word, worthship, and it literally means “to give something worth—to demonstratively attribute value, especially to a deity or god." (Zach Neese, How to Worship a King). Worship is putting the value you hold for something on display.
Worship is putting the value you hold for something on display.
Just like a groom saves up money to buy his future bride an engagement ring, worship says "you are worth this sacrifice." When we worship God, we demonstrate how important He is to us.
As believers, there are so many ways to worship God. We can worship God through song, which helps us immediately refocus our hearts on Him. But we can't stop there. Worship is much more than a song; it's a lifestyle. Giving our time is worship, whether it's serving in church or out in the community. Being generous with our finances is worship. Obeying the Holy Spirit’s prompting is worship. Choosing Jesus even when we don't feel like it is worship. It’s all worship.
The Lord is worthy of all our praise. God has done so much for us that we could praise Him for the rest of our lives! And yet, He continues to walk with us every day, with new miracles around every corner. Let's show Him how valuable He is to us today.
Lord, come and remind me of how You have been faithful to me. Remind me of the moments You came through, doing what only You could do. I never want to forget what You’ve done for me. You are worthy of all the worship I could ever give You. Help me choose to worship You with every opportunity I am given. Amen.
Ask Yourself:
1. What is God really worth to me?
2. How can I worship Him today?
3. How can I make worshipping God a habit?
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