Choose Wisely

Key verse

A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart. LUKE 6:45

As a young man, I didn’t give much thought to the words I chose. All too often, I’d speak selfish words between me and my sisters, or me and my friends to get my way. Sometimes I’d make up a lie, upping the stakes if my emotions were running really high. My mom bore the duty of judge, jury, and peacemaker.

My words were birthed out of hurt, anger, and frustration, and they paved roads of lies and destruction. Most people, whether young or old, seldom forget harsh words spoken over them. My mother would say, “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.” That statement is only partially true because, in reality, hurtful words can be just as destructive.

Your soul consists of your mind, will, and emotions. The words we speak are a spiritual gauge, revealing how much of our soul we have surrendered to God. A renewed mind will reflect what has been developed through prayer, worship, and biblical study. King Solomon wrote, “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” (Proverbs 18:21) If we haven’t surrendered everything to God and our souls are not in submission to him, our tongue will be the first to sell us out.

If we haven’t surrendered everything to God and our souls are not in submission to him, our tongue will be the first to sell us out.

With words, God spoke the entire universe into being. With His Word, He communicates to us and reveals Himself to us. Words and language were God’s idea, and His word is life to us. Because God created man in His own image, we have the ability to speak words of life or words of death. When we follow in the steps of Jesus, we move in the power of His words. The spoken Word of God brings healing, peace, deliverance, and life! Your words have the power to change your environment. Every time we open our mouths to speak, we either advance the kingdom of life or we advance the kingdom of death. A life surrendered to God and filled with the Holy Spirit will produce speech full of grace, mercy, love, and power. We need to reshape our thinking and understand that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and created in the image of God himself!

If you’re not sure how to begin transforming your speech, consider joining a Freedom Group. There you will get filled with God’s Word alongside others who want to grow and change to look more like Christ and live the life of freedom He intends for us.


Thank You, Lord, for empowering me to speak life over others. I’m blessed with a great family, faithful friends, supernatural health, and the unmerited favor of God. Strengthen my obedient heart so it spills over into a positive outlook on life. I am filled with godly love, courage, and creativity. Every person, task, and challenge set before me will flourish, prosper, and thrive through my encouragement and inspiration. I declare that any ill-words spoken over me or curse that has ever come against me is broken right now in the name of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Give me Your strength to exercise self-discipline and self-control over the words I speak to others. Amen.

Ask Yourself:

1. Are there any harmful or destructive words that have been spoken to me by others that I need to overcome in my life?

2. Are there any harmful or destructive words that I have spoken to others that need to be addressed through prayer, repentance, and apology?

3. Are there any harmful or destructive words that I have spoken over myself that I need to cast out of my routine, mind, and heart as a child of God, created in His own image?

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