To Speak Or Not To Speak?

Key verse

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” JOHN 14:6

Have you ever tried to talk to a friend or family member about God or maybe even just invite them to church, and immediately been shut down? Don’t worry, you’re in good company. I can remember asking a good friend of mine for years to come to church with me and was met with a resounding “No.” every single time. It can get a little discouraging sometimes, especially when you truly care for a person and want to see them come to know the Lord on a personal and intimate level. The Bible is very plain when it tells us that, as Christians, we are called to share the Gospel and bring people into relationship with the Lord. After all, like this verse says, no one can come to the Father except through Jesus, and that begins with a personal relationship. one can come to the Father except through Jesus, and that begins with a personal relationship.

But how can we do that when it feels like the people we try to evangelize shut us down every time?

Well, one thing I can tell you is that your efforts are not in vain. Continue to pray for them every day and know that your prayers do not fall on deaf ears. The Lord sees that person, loves that person, and wants them to come to know Him just as much as you do. Sometimes, the best way to minister and share the love of Jesus with someone is simply through your actions. If they are cold and closed off toward the idea of God, sharing the Gospel in that moment might not be very effective, and you may end up being met with resistance. Ask God to show you how you can minister to them in ways that they need in that moment. There is a time to be bold and share scriptures with them, and there is a time to be quiet and let the love of Jesus show through how to speak and act towards them. Trust that the Lord is going to be faithful to continue the work that He has begun through you, because He has chosen you to be His hands and feet in that person’s life.

*Join our One Soul Network where we will encourage you as you share the Gospel.


Father, I thank You for choosing me to partner with You in bringing people into the Kingdom of Heaven. I ask that you guide me as I step out in faith and believe for my One to come to know You and that You would continue to soften their hearts toward You. Help me discern when I should speak and when I should allow You to work through my actions. Reveal to me new ways that I can be Your hands and feet in their lives. I pray that the words that I speak would be full of Your truth and love, and that You would continue the good that You have started in them. Thank You for presenting me with opportunities to minister to my One and for refreshing my soul in the process.

Ask Yourself:

1. Who is one person that I can pray will come to know Jesus?

2. What are simple things that I can begin incorporating in my everyday life to show the love of Jesus to people around me?

3. Think back to a time that someone ministered to you when you needed it most and remember the impact that it had on your faith journey. Maybe it was before you ever came to know the Lord, or maybe you were walking through a dark season. Write it down as both a reminder of His faithfulness to you, and a promise that He will be faithful to do it again.

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