The Masterpiece of the Master

Key verse

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. EPHESIANS 2:10

We are God’s workmanship, His masterpiece. He crafted us with a purpose and with specific plans designed for each of us. He created the plan for our good works before we were even born. God knew all the times we would fail, all our weaknesses, and all the sin we would commit. Yet, God chose you for great purposes, and He created you in Christ for that very reason.

Sometimes when we look at our next step in Christ and, as leaders, we compare ourselves to the skills, knowledge, and ability we think we need to carry it out. Often, it feels like we don’t measure up. However, we shouldn’t look at our capabilities but at God’s.

We shouldn’t look at our capabilities but at God’s.

Our abilities, our knowledge, and our lack of sin didn’t make us new; Jesus did. Jesus is the source of our good works. Jesus is the source of our strength to carry those good works out. Weakness in ourselves should never be a reason we stand still. When we step out to do something for the Lord that we’re unprepared for, it means we’re giving God the chance to do something only He can do and letting His strength shine in our weakness.

To be a leader in Christ’s kingdom, you don’t have to be perfect, prepared, or feel qualified. It’s as simple as creating relationships and environments that point people to Jesus. You could start a small group, creating community and a comfortable place for learning about God’s Word. Or you could join a leadership class at ECCU, equipping you to take Christ into all areas of your life.

When doubts creep in, remember, Christ died for us so that He could do the heavy lifting. Be free to move without fear of failure. We are the creation not the Creator, the workmanship not the builder. Since He is the perfect craftsman, we can rest as tools in His capable hands. When you see yourself like the hammer our grandpas used to use-- rusty, dented, with chips in the handle, remember: It was still the perfect tool to build with. It was perfect because the skill wasn’t in the tool; it was in the hands wielding it. It was perfect for its designed purpose. You’re the tool Jesus wants to use for building His kingdom, perfect for all He designed you to do.


Father, help me learn what You have called me to do. I want to walk in Your good works, exactly as You’ve created me to be used. I pray that through the Holy Spirit, Your power is flowing through me. Help me replace any doubts in myself with confidence in You. Help me see areas where You can use me and what I can do to lead others to You today. Give me the courage to take the next step in my faith. Please help me grow as a leader that reflects You into all of those around me. Thank You that You’ve chosen me and made me new. Thank You that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. In Your name, amen.

Ask Yourself:

1. Are there areas of my life where I’m trying to be the builder instead of letting God do the work?

2. What's stopping me from letting God use me for all He has planned for my life?

3. What's my next step in doing the good things God planned for me long ago?

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