Find Full Life In Jesus


Day 1: A full life comes by seeking.

Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all of these things will be provided for you. Matthew 6:33 

Jesus taught many times throughout the gospels that His desire, and the desire of the Father, was that we would live our lives to the fullest. He desires this so much that He even endured the cross so that our righteousness wouldn’t be something we had to work for, but it would become who we are because of Him. When we seek out the things of Jesus, the fullness of life follows.

Prayer: Dear Father, thank You for allowing us to take on Your righteousness and for bringing Your kingdom principles to us through the Word. God, thank You for making life’s fullness available to us through Your Son. Let it be so, in Jesus’ name.


Day 2: Obedience is the heartbeat of a full life.

Let me, your servant, walk in abundance of life that I may always live to obey your truth. Psalm 119:17

God deals generously with those He loves, and in turn, our desire to obey His truth will become greater and greater. Our hearts will beat to the sound of God’s precepts and principles leading to a life where being obedient is as involuntary as breathing. The fullness of life will come from a joy deep within because our obedience keeps us close to His heart.

Prayer: Lord, I desire fullness of life. But more than that, I desire to be close to You and to what You love. I pray for Your strength to be active in me so that obedience to your plan is my first reaction to Your voice of direction. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Day 3: Jesus brings fullness of life through righteousness.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6

Most of us can relate to the feeling of a full belly after a big dinner, or the quenching of thirst after a rigorous activity in the summer heat. Just as our physical bodies hunger and thirst for nutrients, and enjoy the momentary contentment when those needs are met, we have souls that also hunger and thirsts for fulfillment. When we seek this fulfillment in the validation of the people in our lives, or from our own acts of goodness, it is like trying to quench thirst with vinegar or hunger with a box of sugar! Hungering and thirsting for righteousness—the things of God through His Son Jesus—will bring a life full of true satisfaction.

Action: Are you truly finding satisfaction in the life of Christ in you, or do you mostly operate being fulfilled by your own accomplishments and the validation of those around you? Ask God to show you what His righteousness looks like, then ask Him to help you seek after that and nothing else.


Day 4: Fullness of joy inhabits our praise.

I overflow with praise when I come before you, for the anointing of your presence satisfies me like nothing else. Psalm 63:5

The presence of God has the power to overflow in us until we cannot help but praise Him. When our voices declare His goodness it is the signaling sound of a life that is full. True praise can overflow even when our circumstances give no indication of anything good. The only prerequisite to a life of overflow is to know Jesus.

Action: Are you worshipping in spirit and in truth, or are you bogged down with the cares of this world leaving you empty and unsatisfied? Jesus came to give us life more abundant than that. Open your preferred music app and spend time listening to your favorite worship song.


Day 5: Fullness begins through sonship.

...for you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26

In most cultures, being someone’s child means being an heir to all that belongs to the parent. Jesus came as the Son of God so that we can, through faith, accept our inheritance as those who have been adopted into sonship by our Creator. Our position before God has everything to do with being heirs with Christ, and that gives us access to all God promised.

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for making me an heir to all You have promised. Thank You for desiring that I would find all fullness because I am Your child and I believe in Your Son, Jesus. In Your Son’s name, amen.


Day 6: Encouraging others leads to fullness of life.

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Living life to the fullest is not one-sided. A full life starts by following Jesus' example by being others-minded. One of the quickest ways to find joy and fulfillment in life is by encouraging and building up others. Jesus considered it joy to sacrifice His life for us. We should have the same heart attitude for those in our community.

Action: When considering encouraging others, who first popped into your mind? Find a way to share an encouraging word or an act of kindness toward that person today, and thank God for the opportunity.


Day 7: We have access to full life right now.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

Many of us understand that Jesus came to make a way for us to enter heaven one day. Did you know that we have access to full, abundant life as we live here on Earth? The same power that raised Christ from the dead is alive and well in us right now if we submit our lives to Jesus. Because of this abundant life that was made available to us, we also have victory over the enemy earthside. We live and walk in the authority of Jesus because of what He has done for us.

Prayer: Jesus, thank You for giving me access to full, abundant life here on Earth. I receive that life today in every aspect of my being. Remind me of the authority You have given me to stop the thief in his tracks. Amen.

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