Advent | Love | Day 1
Jesus came as an act of love that we may extend love to others.So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.
John 1:14
Christmas Eve. For some, it is anything but a silent night. Full of hustle and bustle from family gatherings to friends’ homes to last-minute Christmas gift shopping. For others, the sound of silence at this time of year can be deafening: loneliness, regret, loss. Any resemblance of a holy night seems like a different lifetime or someone else’s life altogether. It is in these silent nights, whether full of busyness or loneliness that God was able to do His greatest work through His Son, Jesus Christ. The Son that was sent to dwell among us on that silent night centuries ago is still available for you on this Christmas Eve. Embrace His glory!
Thank you, Jesus, for coming to dwell with us! You are never far from where we are, and You displayed this for all to see by coming to Earth as a child. Today, I ask You to help me remember that I am never alone, for You are with me. Help me slow down and truly remember the reason we celebrate Christmas. I am in awe of You today, Lord. Thank You. Amen.
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