Advent | Joy | Day 5


Jesus came so we could have the gift of His presence.

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!

Philippians 4:4

Written from the dark corners of a damp prison cell, the apostle Paul cried out to the believer to continue rejoicing regardless of circumstances. When Paul penned these words there were no sparkling Christmas lights; the music wasn’t on in the background with the consistent sound of his favorite Christmas carol. No, he was in the custody of those whom he came to minister the Good News of the Messiah. Do we have this same attitude during this Christmas season? Are we rejoicing in the simple fact that Jesus is our joy and nothing else matters? Regardless of everything around us, let’s be full of His joy and then do it again! 


Jesus, it’s no secret to you that this year has been challenging in unique ways. The truth is that you have never left my side through it all. Just like Paul wrote words of worship while he was in prison, help me choose to praise no matter what my eyes may see. I know that you are always up to something good and at work on my behalf through your Holy Spirit. I put my trust in you. Amen.

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