Advent | Preparation | Day 2


Have I made room to receive Him?

Search me, O God, and know my heart;

    test me and know my anxious thoughts.

Point out anything in me that offends you,

    and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

Psalm 139:23-24

Psalm 139 opens with David recognizing that there is nothing in him that is hidden from God. God knew him when he was being formed in his mother’s womb. He knows every anxious thought and even each word he would speak before it was even formed on his tongue. It would be easy to stop there thinking, “God already knows me. What more is there to do?” But God isn’t just interested in knowing about us, He wants us to know Him and allow that relationship to shine a light into the corners of our hearts so we can be transformed. In fact, God desired an unhindered relationship with us so badly that He sent His only son to us that we might be changed as we experienced Immanuel, God with us. Let us not rush through the season without opening our hearts to be examined and cleaned out, that there may be room in us for the life birthed in Bethlehem.


Just like David in the Psalms, I can’t hide anything from You, Lord. You see everything about me, and still you love me completely and unconditionally. If there is anything hindering my relationship with You, please show me so that You and I can deal with it together. Help me come to the place where I don’t try to hide mistakes, but I bring them directly to You, for You are where my help comes from. Amen.

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