Join us for service this Sunday!
What to expect:
- These services are shortened, family services that will last less than an hour.
- East Coast Kids is now OPEN for 1st-6th grades! *We ask that children not bring any food, drinks, or outside item with them to class.
We have asked our greeters to hold the door open for you to allow "touchless" entry for your peace of mind.
We are asking that you sit in every other row and adhere to the six feet of social distancing as required by our governor. (Rows will be marked so you know where to sit!)
We have removed the coffee, mints, and tissues from our lobbies and coffee shop to lessen the need to be in each other's personal space and avoid the handling and passing out of food or drinks. Don't worry! We'll have them back as soon as we can safely offer it to you!
We will be cleaning and sanitizing before and after each service according to CDC guidelines to ensure your safety. This includes each "touchpoint" possible in every area of our buildings (bathrooms, lobbies, doors, sanctuaries, etc.) Because of this, we are asking you to arrive no earlier than 10 minutes prior to a scheduled service. This will help give us the time needed to thoroughly clean and prepare for the upcoming service.
- We are asking our frontline volunteers (such as greeters, parking lot attendants, and cleaning staff) to wear face masks. You are not required to wear a face mask to attend, but you are welcome to do so if that makes you most comfortable.