

“You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.” 2 Timothy 2:2 (NLT)




The STEP UP mentorship program was established to create a real-life discipleship relationship with the purpose to see transformation in young adults' lives. It is geared toward helping young adults walk through life with the guidance of a mentor. Providing young adults with a mentor is imperative because it gives them a chance to seek advice and guidance from someone they respect. Christ calls us to encourage and equip people so we can all worship God and live out our true calling. Through STEP UP’s authentic mentor / mentee accountability, young adults will be equipped with leadership skills to help bring their vision, goals, and purpose to life while deepening their relationship with Jesus.



OUR Purpose:

  • To establish a real-life discipleship relationship
  • To assist young adults through different decisions and trials in life
  • To help deepen young adults' relationship with Christ and teach practical ways to recognize and accomplish their calling
  • To equip young adult men and women with the knowledge and skills to discover who they are and the person they want to become
  • To address issues that young adult men and women may face and provide skills to navigate and overcome challenges by helping them understand their own significance, resilience, and courage



-1 year commitment
-Attend quarterly “all mentee” gatherings
-Take Enneagram assessment
-Take Myers Briggs assessment
-Take Spiritual Gifts assessment
-Attend once a month meetings
-Give permission of accountability to your mentor
-Attend East Coast weekly
-Be a member of East Coast or in the process



What are you waiting for? Begin your journey today.