Worshiping With Your Whole Life

Key verse

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:16-17

Paul writes to the church of Colosse and explains man’s new character when he accepts the Lord Jesus into his heart. He explains that reading the words of Christ makes them alive inside us—both His wisdom and His teachings. But Paul refuses to stop there. He instructs us to warn or urge one another in psalms, hymns, or spiritual songs, singing with grace in our hearts to the Lord.

When we worship, we show reverence and honor to God with the posture of our heart. Worship is the exchange of our hearts for the Father’s heart. When we do so, it becomes easy to share grace. We give thanks to the Lord, not only in song but toward one another in the way we speak and act. We do this, not because we have to, but because we desire to. We get to.

Worship is the exchange of our hearts for the Father’s heart.

Father God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, soften my heart and open my eyes to worship you not just in song, but praise and honor, for everything You have bestowed upon me. Help me hold my tongue and pour out Your words instead, that I may be a light to someone else, showing how big You are. Place in my path opportunities to serve others, because You ordained that they would know You through the grace You pour out in me. Through Jesus Christ, amen.

Ask Yourself:

How can I start my day with worship? Song? Prayer? Being alone with Him among His creation?

What opportunities can I seek to worship God in my everyday tasks?

How can I show and give grace to someone as God has given grace to me?

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