Revealing a Supernatural God

Key verse

And my speech and my preach-ing were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

1 Corinthians 2:4-5 NKJV

Here in the United States, we live in one of the most persuasive cultures society has ever known. We have sales and marketing people and ads on every corner, in our phones, on our televisions and computers, and blasting through our radios! The world wants us to buy their products, and we're falling for their tactics—purchasing everything they tell us we need. As part of this culture, we have also seen people be scammed and ripped off by those who would try to take advantage of us. In this Scripture, I believe the writer is trying to show us the truth about how to do life right, not just in commerce but in understanding the truth about God and our relationship with Him. We don’t need to look at words of persuasion and human wisdom and be led by them in life as we seek to find God and understand Him. This approach can leave us open to deception and distract us from the true purpose of our relationship with God. Our heavenly Father wants us to find Him in the Scriptures and prayer and discover Him and His supernatural lifestyle that only true believers can possess. Jesus wants to be represented to the world supernaturally, and He is looking for us, the believers, to step out beyond our human wisdom and represent Him that way. Jesus didn’t simply live a natural life, He lived a supernatural life, with demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit following His teaching of the Word of God. Jesus said the things I’ve done you will do, and I believe Him!

Jesus didn’t simply live a natural life, He lived a supernatural life, with demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit following His teaching of the Word of God.

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.

John 14:12 NKJV

When we step out in faith with God and believe His Word, we will begin to see the supernatural become natural in our everyday walk with people. We will see lives touched and people delivered and healed by the supernatural power of God, and the world will not be able to deny it’s from God! Learn to pray for others and make sharing Christ with others an everyday part of your life. Put your faith in the power of God and know that all of heaven is behind you!


Father God, thank You for all You are doing through me in the world today. Help me to know and understand that You desire for me to see miracles happen in my own life and the lives of others as we live a supernatural life with You! Give me boldness to cross the line of fear that tries to keep me from sharing Your power with others around me. Give me the strength to be the supernatural person that You’ve called me to be—today and every day. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Have you ever stepped out to pray and believe God for someone you know or maybe even a stranger? If not, take a step and be bold. Reach out to someone around you when you hear they are in pain or hurting emotionally. God will give you the words to say!

Do you really know and understand what you are capable of operating in supernaturally in your relationship with Holy Spirit? Holy Spirit is your teacher. Ask Him to show you what to do when you're praying.

Are you willing to risk being rejected by someone to see a miracle happen today? Not everyone will be receptive to prayer, but it might surprise you that most people will let you pray for them.

Story Behind the Devo

with Pastor Matt & Pastor Kevin

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