Whose Stripes?

Key verse

Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. 1 PETER 2:24

Jesus came to bring us life abundant (John 10:10). Unfortunately, many of God’s people perish, for they do not understand His mission or the power of His Name. Without realizing it, we can bottle up His Words, constricting them until they match our experiences, instead of demanding that our experiences conform to His Word. We can read a scripture like “by whose stripes you were healed,” and think Peter is merely stating our healing is actually our salvation in heaven. This can lead us to believe that the wonder-working power of Jesus cannot heal us from our sicknesses on earth.

But the Greek for this word for healed, iaomai (pronounced: “ee-ah’-omahee”), in this passage tells us something different. It means to cure diseases, heal, and to absolve of errors and sins. It is used throughout the Gospels to describe Jesus healing the centurion’s servant, the woman with the issue of blood, the possessed boy, the lame man, the multitude’s diseases, and many others. James used it when he wrote that Jesus heals our hearts upon our confession to one another (James 5:16). Jesus took stripes on His back and every sickness upon His body that we may call healing ours!

Jesus took stripes on His back and every sickness upon His body that we may call healing ours!

It is yours. And nothing can take that away from you, for Jesus came to bring life abundant. Just as salvation is yours to take and use in your life, so healing is. Take it, for God is a Father who loves to heal.

There is power in the word of a testimony (Revelation 12:11). Be encouraged and empowered, I have witnessed my children healed of brain cysts, arrhythmia, sepsis, meningitis, respiratory syncytial virus, pneumonia, and even raised from the dead. I’ve seen tumors pop at the name of Jesus. His name healed me of migraines, broken ligaments and bones, and suicidal thoughts. Every part of you bows to the name of Jesus, by whose stripes heal you.

It doesn’t mean that attacks from the enemy, sicknesses, diseases, and death will not come against you or that we should be ashamed if or when we go to hospitals for help. I just listed a long history of pain and sickness in my family, and many of them involved doctors, nurses and physicians. Jesus is our Healer.

The fiery darts thrown by the enemy will not steal, kill, or destroy my family or yours for our stripes have been taken away. In every circumstance, we pray, stand in faith, and know that our God is the Great Physician, and His stripes heal us.


Father God, thank You for Your Son and the power of His Name. Thank You for saving me and healing me. Jesus, thank You for bringing me an abundant life and healing me of all my sicknesses and diseases. (If there is any ailment, sickness, or infirmity in your body, command healing over it here.) Thank You, that by Your stripes, I was healed. All sickness, death, and diseases bow at the name of Jesus and die. A thousand may fall at my side—ten thousand at my right hand—but nothing will come against me. For I know God is for me, therefore, what can stand against me. He has given me a spirit of power, love, and clarity. Thank You, Jesus, for all You have done in my life and restoring my strength again.

Ask Yourself:

1. Where do you need to see healing in your life?

2. How can you hold on to God’s promises concerning healing?

3. Read the following scriptures. What do they say to you about healing, faith, and God’s goodness?

1 PETER 2:24, ROMANS 8:31, PSALM 91:7, PSALM 91:10, PSALM 91:16

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