Look to Jesus
Day 1: Look to His sacrifice.
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
There was no greater act of love than the sacrifice Jesus displayed on the cross. Keeping our eyes focused on that single act is the basis for our faith. When Jesus endured the cross, He took on our shame. It brought Him joy to shout the final battle cry, “It is Finished,” so that our faith could be complete.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, may I never take for granted the sacrifice You paid so that I could spend eternity with You and my Heavenly Father. I'm grateful that You not only authored my faith, but You also finished it on the cross. In Your name, amen.
Day 2: Turn your eyes to Jesus, not your circumstances.
But when [Peter] saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Matthew 14:30
When the disciples first saw Jesus walking on the water, they were all terrified. But Peter kept his eyes on Him and began to walk on the water in faith. As soon as he focused on the wind, he began to sink. How often do we begin our day by focusing on Jesus only to find ourselves pulled away from His gaze by the distractions of our circumstances around us? Readjust your view; He is right there waiting for you.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I do not want to be distracted by the things going on around me. I want to keep my focus continually on You. When my eyes begin to stray, I pray that You would give me the strength to realign my sights and focus on You alone. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Day 3: We see Heaven when we look to Jesus.
Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of Heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Colossians 3:1
Heaven is a real place, and when you become a Christian you are sealed for eternity in Heaven with Jesus. And though most of us really like the idea of spending forever there, we don’t give it a lot of thought in our day-to-day. This verse tells us that looking at the place where Christ dwells with His Father is a place in which we need to get familiar. Heaven is the place where God lives, and Heaven was created for us.
Action: Spend time today considering what you know about Heaven. If you were going to move to a new city and into a new home you would take time to investigate the area. You would look over house plans so you knew what furniture would be needed for each room as you moved in, and then you’d think about who would be there with you. Today, think about the realities of Heaven in the same way.
Day 4: Look to Jesus and gaze upon His beauty.
One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in his temple. Psalm 27:4
When you set your gaze upon something beautiful, you are undistracted and not concerned about the things going on around you. There is nothing else in the world that could pull your eyes off of the magnificence of the object. What Jesus did on the cross is the epitome of His love for you. It is that singular act which has given you the opportunity to dwell in His presence and to gaze upon His beauty for eternity.
Action: Take time today to meditate on the goodness of God and on the sacrifice He provided through His Son, Jesus Christ. How has this affected your life? Does it make you desire to change your focus?
Day 5: Look to Jesus to display His character.
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6
As we continue to look at Jesus, we will begin to display the character and traits of the Father. Our view of others will reflect His heart and shine light upon truth, love, peace, grace, and mercy—just to name a few. Looking at Jesus allows us to see things from His perspective, and in that, we see His glory.
Prayer: God, thank You for allowing me to see you shining brightly as I look upon Jesus. Thank You for making me able to reflect your light and character in my relationships with others as I stay focused on Your Son. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Day 6: Look to Jesus and find freedom.
My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only He will release my feet from the snare. Psalm 25:15
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face; and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” This old hymn still fills churches today as a declaration that the distractions of this life and the things that hold us captive pale in comparison to the brilliance of freedom and joy that is found by keeping our eyes on Him.
Prayer: Jesus, You know the distractions of my heart today. You know all of the things that so easily ensnare my mind. I thank You for freedom from these things. I thank You now for releasing me from anything that keeps me from staying focused on You. I pray in Your name, amen.
Day 7: Only Jesus.
When they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only. Matthew 17:8
When you are struggling with fear: look at Jesus. He doesn’t give you fear. When you are overcome with confusion: look at Jesus. He is not the author of confusion; He is the author of your faith. If you are lacking what you need: look at Jesus. He gives you everything that pertains to life and godliness because He is Jireh. Whatever you are seeing in the physical, know that you can refocus your gaze to the One who gives life to every circumstance. Only Jesus.
Prayer: Jesus. Jesus. Jesus! Yes, there IS something about Your name. Your name is high above all else. I have confidence that if I turn my eyes toward You, that I will see Your goodness on this side of Heaven and also the assurance of spending eternity with You in Heaven. It is only You, Jesus. Amen!
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