It’s Time to Bounce Back

Key verse

Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39 NKJV

There is a bouncy ball that can bounce 75 feet in the air. All I can think of after seeing one is, how happy I am that my kids don’t have one because everything in my house would be broken in about 10 minutes. Imagine your life is like a humongous bouncy ball. When 2020 struck, it knocked you down. But the moment you hit the ground, God had you, and now it’s time to bounce back.

But the moment you hit the ground, God had you, and now it’s time to bounce back.

It’s time for our children to bounce back. It’s time for our friends and family to bounce back. But bounce back to what? Back to a life with a dreamer's heart that believes God for difficult things. Back to a  life deeply connected to God, so shame and fear cannot grip your heart, even for one second. 


2020 was a year that dropped many people to their knees, including me, in prayer and soul-searching to ask, What is actually important? Three things matter to me and to the heart of God. 


The verse above has shaped our vision at East Coast for 2021. That vision is that we would love Him with all our hearts and that we would love people as we love ourselves, meaning we need to actually love ourselves in a way that we live for Him with abundant life. God actually wants us to have a life, and as it says in John, "life to the full." In this devotion, we are going to look at the life of Christ as our model for loving life.

God actually wants us to have a life, and as it says in John, "life to the full."

Jesus lived a full life. He loved. He laughed. He battled. He worked. He rested. And through it all, relationships were paramount. We are saying the vision for East Coast this year like this: 






But what happened to One Step and One soul? Actually, we still have those! They are a part of our values as a church. We will be teaching on these through the first weeks of the year and beyond.

1.Welcome Home 

            You belong to this church before you believe or “behave.” This is the message of grace.

2. One Step  

            Everyone can grow, but each person has one step that God has for them to take next. You take them one step at a time; you don’t have to do it all in one day.

3. One Soul 

            Be the one to reach the one and bring them to Christ.

4. Generous Hearts 

            We give and add value, especially when it’s difficult because God blesses us to be a blessing.

5. Church is a Gathering.

            We gather as friends and family, not a crowd of strangers. When church feels too big, we join in small groups to keep the relationships real. 

6. Dream Team

            We serve whenever and however is needed, thereby releasing the dream of God in each person's heart.


When you walk out these values, I believe your love for life will grow beyond what you could imagine.


Take the next 21 days to seek God. Follow in the life of Christ to bounce back into the life He is leading you toward. 


Jesus, I commit this year to You. I ask You to show me the path of life, and I commit to walking that path one step at a time. Thank You for Your grace and mercy that leads me out of dark corners and into a peaceful place. I want to experience life fully, just as You intended. Amen.

Ask Yourself:

Has my life changed in a way that is keeping me from being fully alive?

If so, what step could I take to bounce back to living a full and abundant life?

What is one way I can make sure to follow hard after God for these 21 days?

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