His Truth

Key verse

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6

We live in a “What can you do for me?” culture. Most people, either subconsciously or openly, want to know what value someone or something has in their life. When Jesus said that He is the way, the truth, and the life, He made a profound statement. Many people hear this as Jesus can do these three things, but Jesus is saying that He is these three things. 

In your walk with Him, He is the way. When you need direction, you can turn to Him. Directions in life might change, but the Way Maker does not; He will always guide you.

Directions in life might change, but the Way Maker does not; He will always guide you.

He is the truth. This is so important for our google generation. Many people try to sell you their version of the truth. Only God can say that He is truth. John 1 tells us the Word became flesh. The Word is the Holy Scriptures that we know today, and they hold the truth of all creation, from the universe to the inner workings of man’s heart. 

He is the truth that we need on our journey in life. Faith in Christ and His teachings is not “a good idea.” It is the crux of our life, critical to following His will. The world sells us so many lies. Jesus said He is the truth, and the truth will set you free!

He ended His statement with, “[He is] the life.” He is the life for this time and for all eternity. We can only understand and walk in the fullness of that life when we embrace that Christ is the truth. Stop bouncing around between every doctrine or new idea that comes out. We need to stand firm on the truth of Jesus. 


Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that You tear down anything in my mind that comes against the thoughts and love of Christ. Help me in areas where I struggle with doubt and fear. Please, help me gain a fresh revelation of who Jesus is and the truth that He is! In knowing Him, I know I can walk in peace. Amen.

Ask Yourself:

What lie do I need to un-believe?

What scripture can I hold onto so I can believe for a better future?

What Bible study should I start after this devotional is over to keep me in the Word daily?

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