
Key verse

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:34-35

How did Jesus say the world would recognize His disciples? He said our love for each other would make us known. Jesus loved people, all people. Stories of His ministry fill the Gospels where He travels and heals the sick, the broken, and those that are dead—both physically and spiritually.

Jesus loved people, all people.

How then do we see a difference between His followers and His disciples? We see His disciples in relationship with Him, living, traveling, and learning from Him. They ask Him hard questions when they don’t understand. He washes their feet. He breaks bread with them. And on the night Judas betrays Him, He takes them into the garden with Him as He prays to God the Father. It is through Jesus’ actions that He reveals the love He has for His disciples. 

Today the Church reaches out as the bride of our Savior in generosity for the widowed, the orphaned, and the lost. As Christians, God calls us into discipleship, bringing the salt and light to the world, and loving one another, regardless of our differences, because we are all His children.


Father God, thank You for sending Your Son and our Savior, Jesus, to Earth. We know, through His example, how to love others beyond our own human ability. Help us learn to live as victors when faced with challenging circumstances and how to seek You in prayer and quiet moments—both in joy and despair. Make us brave enough to take up the role of leadership and help a brother or sister discover a relationship with You. I pray, Father, that You make an opportunity for me to show love to someone who may feel unlovable, generosity to someone in need, and tenderheartedness to someone with a heart of stone. Lord, make me a vessel overflowing with Your love toward any that do not know You. I pray they come to know You through the abundance You have given me. Amen. 

Ask Yourself:

How can I show love to someone today?

Is there someone I know that needs discipleship? How can I take steps to build a relationship with them so they move closer to God? Hint: It could be as simple as a text message.

Are you in need of discipleship? Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight an individual willing to partner with you in moving closer to God.

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