A Call to Obedience

Key verse
And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Philippians 2:8
Years ago, I went on a mission trip to Nicaragua. As the trip approached, a friend and I held the last and second to last places in fundraising. One afternoon, I felt the Holy Spirit call me to give $100 towards my friend’s trip. The next day I checked to see if my offering reflected on his balance. To my surprise, his balance was full. The mission director told me another church family paid his balance after my $100 offering. Initially, I regretted my act of obedience because it left me in last place for fundraising. I thought, If I only waited a day, I would have $100 to put towards my own trip. The next day, it was time to get back to fundraising. To my surprise, I found my balance was full too! The mission director shared that the family who funded my friend’s trip paid the remaining $400 balance due on my trip! I heartily believe that the blessing I received resulted from responding in obedience to the Lord’s call.
To walk in the will of God, we need to abide in Christ, maintain our love for Him, and act in the Holy Spirit’s power. The Holy Spirit will not only guide us in making major decisions in our lives but also aid in our daily, moment-to-moment decisions. Jesus says of the Holy Spirit, “When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth...and He will tell you what is yet to come.” (John 16:13 NKJV) The key to knowing God’s will is to be obedient to the Holy Spirit’s guidance. If you will trust and obey God and live a holy life, God will reveal Himself to you and direct your steps.
The key to knowing God’s will is to be obedient to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
We may feel reluctant to trust God with our lives. We may fear that He will call us to major changes in our lives, contrary to our desires. But I have found that the Lord changes my heart to reflect His, so I desire what He desires for my life. His plans are better than the very best I can conceive for myself. Since He loves us enough to die for us, is it not logical to believe He has our best intentions in mind? Thankfully, we live in the dispensation of grace, but we also live in a natural world. Jesus shed His blood on the cross and cleansed our sins; nonetheless, our disobedience has consequences. Through mankind’s free-will and dominion over the earth, our poor choices can bring trials of all kinds. Respond in obedience and He will make your path straight. Obedience is the genuine test of our love for Christ and the path to discovering God’s will for us.
Lord, help me understand that Your call on my life is not burdensome. Soften my heart so I may respond to the urging of the Holy Spirit with joy and humility. Jesus, thank You for being obedient to the cross. Help me seek You through Your Word and discover that abiding in You is not a chore but a wonderful journey. There is no higher example than You! Give me the strength to be obedient to Your call—to better serve and experience Your kingdom while bringing others to Your saving grace! Amen.
Ask Yourself:
Have I ever chosen to ignore or disobey God when the Holy Spirit called me to a task or life change?
What do I think God desires more? Me modifying what God has called me to do or being obedient to the Lord’s commands even if I don’t completely understand them?
What specific area of weakness in my life do I need to bring into obedience to Christ?
What steps will I take to become obedient in this area?
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