Advent | Hope | Day 2


There is something better.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

Proverbs 13:12

Nobody likes waiting. We live in a day of instant gratification. We know what we want, and we want it now. When our hope is delayed too long, we find ourselves in disappointment and disillusionment. We are consumed with the thought that things are simply not as they ought to be. That is the heart at the center of our every longing. But the promise of Jesus fulfilled can be a source of life for you today. Allow it to renew your hope and let it give way to faith. This is a season of great expectation. Jesus came, and He finishes what He begins. Don’t be afraid to get your hopes up once again.


Search me today, Lord. If there is any hope that has died inside me, I know you can bring it back to life and I believe you are doing so right now. I lay disappointment at your feet and trust that you know exactly what I need. Thank you for what you are doing in me today. Amen. 

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