Advent | Hope | Day 7

There is something better.But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
When our souls are in a season of waiting, we often find that our senses are heightened. Our eyes are wide open and ears are piqued to every little sound. We anticipate. We are watchful, ready for what is coming. As we walk through this season of joyful anticipation of the birth of Christ, may we be strengthened by hope. Our God is able to do more than we have even begun to imagine. The nativity is evidence of just that. Our Saviour and King, the One who will rule in power over all the earth, establish justice, and bring peace began His story in the most vulnerable of places. May we be renewed in our strength as we together watch and anticipate the fullness of God’s kingdom to be displayed here on earth.
Lord, help my senses be heightened to what you are doing around me and in the world. Help me stay kingdom-focused in all that I do and say. Thank you, Lord, that when I am weak you are strong. In the places that I feel tired, You are meeting me with Your strength. I wait on you today and receive your rest. Amen.
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