Love One Project – Day 4

We hope you were able to join us yesterday for our online worship experience! If you missed it, click HERE to watch Pastor Matt’s powerful word of encouragement to our church.

This morning may feel heavier, it may feel strange or you may be in your normal Monday routine. Whatever you are feeling, our prayer is the Lord speaks to you through today’s words of encouragement

Declaration of Hope

We will be people that value the health of family above all else.

Today's Scripture

I give you a new Law. You are to love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you. If you love each other, all men will know you are My followers. John 13:34-35 

How can you serve your Neighbor today?

If the world will know us by our fruit, (Matthew 7:16) then we can surely show our neighbors, family, and city God through our actions. Today, reach out to your neighbors and family and ask how you can pray for them. The Bible is filled with God’s promises that you can speak over them! Take time to call those you love and share God’s love with them through conversation and prayer.

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