Giving Back to God
Key verse
What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.
As we begin to break down this passage of scripture, we see King David ask, “What shall I return to the Lord for all His goodness to me?” This question might mirror one you have been asking in your own life: What can I really give to a God who has done so much for me? What does God want from me? Doesn’t He already own everything?
God’s goodness found us at the cross and was displayed by Jesus’ sacrifice thousands of years ago. God created us to have a close, personal relationship with Him without any barriers, which we can see in the book of Genesis. When God created Adam, he was without sin, and even walked with God daily! However, sin stole that intimacy and created a rift between God and man. In His goodness, God sent His son Jesus to Earth as a man so that He could bridge the gap and restore the relationship. Jesus was not just any man; Jesus was a second chance for humanity to once again walk with God. He knew that we could not overcome sin on our own, so He sent His son to redeem us and reopen the door to intimacy.
He [God] knew that we could not overcome sin on our own, so He sent His son to redeem us and reopen the door to intimacy.
At the cross, a great trade was made for those who believed, our brokenness and sin in exchange for salvation and eternity with God. The Bible says that it is by God’s grace that we are saved, through faith in Jesus Christ, and that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved!
We have been made holy through this sacrifice, and as a result, our hearts can reflect that love, return it to God, and overflow to those around us. You are saved, healed, and delivered from the grip of sin through your faith in God, which means that your life can be filled to the brim with all of the benefits of your relationship with Him. Living for Christ and allowing that love to flow to the world is ultimately what God would have us give back to Him. The same grace that was given to us is freely available to the rest of the world, and the greatest gift we can give the Father is to live a life that draws others to His love.
Father God, thank You for the gift of Your son, Jesus Christ. Help me to recognize and understand the magnitude of the sacrifice that Jesus made for me on the cross. Jesus, help me to become the person that You paid such a huge price for me to become. Let my heart be always looking to You as the source of my joy, and help me live each day for You. Please bring opportunities for me to make a difference in the lives of others by sharing Your truth with those around me. Help me look to You for strength and peace so I can overcome sin and become a powerful person for You. I give my life completely to You, today and every day!
Do you really understand what happens after giving your life to Christ? If not, who can you reach out to for mentorship?
Have you searched out the truth of who you are in Christ through reading your Bible and praying?
Are you pouring out your life to God completely, or just in certain areas you're comfortable with?
Story Behind the Devo
with Pastor Matt & Pastor Kevin
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