The Vineyard Workers

Key Verses:

"He answered one of them, 'Friend, I haven’t, been unfair! Didn’t you agree to work all day for the usual wage? Take your money and go. I wanted to pay this last worker the same as you. Is it against the law for me to do what I want with my money? Should you be jealous because I am kind to others?'"

Matthew 20:13-15 (NLT)


Jesus uses this wonderful parable to explain an issue that is deep within most of us. He tells us about a boss that hires laborers in a field. The boss hires the laborers at all different times of the day. When it came time to pay the workers, they heard they were all being paid the same. The workers that were there for the whole day said, “That’s not fair; the workers that only worked an hour are getting the same amount of money as us.”

We do that. We look at something and say, “That’s not fair.” We can be prone to look at life and say that about areas where we feel like we are lacking. We may feel like we deserve, or should earn something for what we DO for God. The great thing about God’s grace is that we live from what He has done, not us. Our whole lives we get taught to think “what’s in it for me,” where a life with Jesus is about taking our eyes off of ourselves and serving others.

When Jesus is our One, we let gratefulness and a life of thankfulness fill us. We know the love that flows from God to us and from us to God is better than anything this world can offer us. When we look at the cross we understand the sacrifices made by Jesus weren’t “fair.” So we will live a life for the One that reflects His work on the cross. God’s goodness for us will always outweigh any unfairness in this world. That’s the Gospel, the “too good to be true” news.


Father, I pray that my heart stays focused on You. I ask to hear Your voice clearly and to obey with a thankful heart to everything You call me to. I know that all of us come to You through different means, but we are all a part of Your family. I am so thankful for being a part of Your family.

In Jesus' name, Amen


Do you hold onto unfairness?

Do you believe God has something better for you?

When was the last time you just stopped and thanked God for the grace He has given you?

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