Decide, and Move On
Key Verses:
"She said, 'No one, Lord.' And Jesus said to her, 'Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.'" John 8:11 NKJV
There are times in our walk with God where He asks us to take a step in a new direction. We find ourselves in situations where it becomes painfully obvious that change needs to happen. Initiating change forces us to make decisions that inevitably cost us something. These moments are never easy places to inhabit because almost all decisions require us to choose one thing over another. For instance, when choosing something as simple as what to eat there is a dilemma. If you choose beef, you deny chicken; if you choose brownies, you deny apple pie. It sounds silly, but it’s true. This is often what makes it difficult to choose what God asks us to do, over what we want to do. But fear not. There is hope, and Jesus is there to help.
In our passage today, we find a woman who has been caught in the act of adultery. She finds herself in a horrible predicament. She is dragged out into the street by a group of self-righteous men who are ready to put her to death because of her actions. These men had no idea they were setting her up to be faced with a decision that would change the trajectory of her eternal life, their eternal life, and that of others who would come after them! Unlike these men, Jesus’ motive was to extend grace, even if it meant His own death.
In some way, we are all like the woman caught in adultery. Some of us can even say we are A LOT like this woman. There may not be an angry mob of accusers waiting to drag you out into the street, but you hear the Voice inside of you that says, “It’s time to change; it’s time to move on.” In Verse 11 of John 8, after the men have walked away and Jesus and the woman are the only two left, Jesus acknowledges that her accusers have gone. Then He tells her how to move on – “Go, and sin no more.”
Just as Jesus did away with the woman’s accusers, He also did away with our accuser, Satan, when He hung on the cross and died for our sins. When the words, “It is finished,” fell from His lips, heaven translated them to our hearts, “GO, and sin no more. I do not condemn you, I forgive you.” His motive was pure and simple, He died so we could make the decision between heaven and hell. When we choose heaven, we deny hell.
Jesus told the woman two things: move toward something, “GO,” and move away from something else, “sin no more.” He gives us the same choice and provides the freedom to do so from a place of His power and love. When we choose Jesus’ love, we deny the enemy’s accusations.
Imagine right now that you and Jesus are standing in the midst of your accusers and the things that make you feel ashamed, sad, condemned, and hurt. Then watch them all disappear one by one, leaving you completely free to make that one decision you need to make to move forward in your walk with God.
Lord, thank You for sending Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. Thank You for providing power and love through Your Spirit. Today I choose to make decisions based on Your love instead of through a lens of accusation and deceit. Thank You that I can freely GO and move toward life in You.
In Jesus' name, Amen
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to make the right decision - and then go, walk in it.
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