A Gift That Truly Matters

Key Verse:

"And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'" Mark 16:15 NKJV


You have to leave the house in 10 minutes. You put on your shoes, grab your keys and wallet, and ponder if you’re forgetting anything. It was a rush morning for all kinds of reasons, and you glance back at a sink full of dirty dishes. The dishwasher is full of clean dishes. You know you could at least unload the clean and load in a few dirty before you leave. But the job is pretty overwhelming. The spaghetti from last night’s company looks pretty crusty now. You sit down for a little screen time for a few minutes before leaving for your appointment. The dishes were too overwhelming for you to want to make a dent in that project.

Here is another project that is daunting, only this one is for real: go into all the world and preach the gospel. It’s the great commission. The task is our honor and privilege, but sometimes we think about the masses more than we think of each person. We can get overwhelmed and feel paralyzed to make a dent in the great commission when we focus on the masses, and not the one. Consider this: Child sponsorship programs are incredibly impacting because they cause people to focus on how their money can change one life. And the result is many multitudes of lives being changed, all because many people focused on just one person.

You may have disposable income, but if you’re like the vast majority, every dollar of every month is allocated toward something. But your monetary gifts to help even just one person is fulfilling the great commission. As a church family we are fulfilling it together. Each person does their part in changing this county and the world. If things are tight financially right now, be faithful to tithe the first 10% of your income, and watch God do what you could have never done for yourself. I know this to be the case, because He has done it for me personally. As I tithe, God provides extra for me to give to fulfill the great commission.

Your giving, is such a picture of your heart for the lost. I realize even the task of looking at your finances may feel overwhelming, but this is a New Year, a New Season. God’s got more in store through your obedience than you recognize.


Lord, thanks for Your blessings in my life. You see the end from the beginning – help me to see Your best in my finances. I want to honor You and worship You with every dollar You provide me with. Help me to see what You would have me give that would bless You, and also empower the Good News to go into all the world.

In Jesus' name, Amen


If you do not have an item in your monthly budget that is a gift to help a person or a ministry, ask God to lay one on your heart.

Now ask God how much He would have you give. The size doesn't matter. As long as you're obedient, He will bless it. He promises that He will measure back to you what you give, only much more!

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